The everyday life of a patient being on peritoneal dialysis, demands, frequent changes (depending on the method and the protocol), many consumables, supplies and sacks and on top of that the use of an IV pole. The room in which those changes are taking place, can be very soon become a reminder of a hospital room! This usually, takes gradually a toll on the mental health of the patient and their families. And although the peritoneal dialysis method is actually, the method of freedom, it is usually underestimated because of the general negative feeling about it among the family members.
But there is a way for all that to change! You just need to plug in the SMART PD CASE, place all your solutions in it, so they can be warmed up and simply close the bag. In the room now, there is only an elegant, luxurious case, since everything else you might need for the change of the peritoneal dialysis are all in the SMART PD CASE! There is nothing to remind you of your treatment routine any more! You are now able to go on and live and cherish your everyday moments, without any unnecessary worrying!
Peritoneal dialysis demands a clean environment and the compliance with all the health protocols, in order to avoid any risk of peritonitis. It is important for the place in which the dialysis is taking place to be kept clean as well as the area on which the peritoneal change is going to be carried out. With the SMART PD CASE you are safe, since you can always keep the place of the changes clean by always closing the case, protecting the changing place from dust, insects, hair etc.